Our time in London is quickly coming to an end. We have had a look around the Exploring Space exhibit within the Science Museum and now are sat enjoying our lunch next to the Natural History Museum. Further updates on our expected arrival time back to CMS to follow. 28/6/2017 Packing up time for Trip AUnfortunately, the time has come for Trip A to pack up their bags in preparation of leaving London this afternoon. Currently, pupils are in their rooms packing away their belongings ready to leave the Premier Inn and head out for the last time. Today's activity is the Science Museum, where we will get to explore some of the different exhibits and get in one last shopping opportunity at the gift shop for any last minute presents.
27/6/2017 An incredible eveningDay 2 has ended in a spectacular way after watching the amazing performance that is the Lion King. We were all gripped from start to finish enjoying this wonderful performance. Back to the hotel now and straight to lights out not only for the pupils but the adults too!
27/6/2017 Tower of LondonThe rain has mainly held off for us this afternoon while we have been touring around the Tower of London. We have been to see the Crown Jewels and into the White Tower taking in the sight of the huge diamonds, rubies and sapphires. We are now back on the coach heading towards Byron Burger so this evenings meal. 27/6/2017 Toys everywhere!Two hours later, every floor of Hamleys has been thoroughly explored and navigated. Purchases have been made and now we are off to lunch and the Tower of London. 27/6/2017 Wide eyed and bushy tailed
26/6/2017 All tucked up.After an exciting first day full of activities, we are now all tucked up in our beds ready to enjoy a restful nights sleep. Next stop Hamleys in the morning!
26/6/2017 Duck, duck, duck!A fantastic tour around London seeing some of the main sights by land and river. Hearing about some of the history of London along the way from our tour guides. Now onto the Rainforest Cafe to refuel before we head onto the Premier Inn for the night.
26/6/2017 London EyeIt's been a great day for the London Eye, the sky was lovely and clear meaning we could see all the way to Wembley Stadium. Now onto the Duck Tour to see the sights from the road and river.
26/6/2017 Trip A Away!Trip A have made it to Winchester for their first stop and leg stretch. Back on the coach we go ready for our first activity of the London Eye!