If your child is unwell and unable to come to school, please contact us before 8:30am on the first day of absence by means of an e-mail to [email protected] or telephone call to the school office 01725 517348 (option 1) leaving a detailed message on the absence line. Absences can also be reported via ParentMail.
A member of staff will investigate any unexplained absences at the start of each school day. If an absence is left unexplained, your child’s tutor or head of year will contact you and should the absence remain unexplained, we shall ask the Education Social Worker to make further enquiries.
All absences are recorded and are shown in the pupil’s annual report.
Schools are required to distinguish between authorised and unauthorised absences. Authorised absences include those for sickness, medical treatment and educational visits.
Medical appointments
Whenever possible, medical or other appointments should be made outside school hours; however, if your child does have an appointment during school time, please let his/her tutor know by letter, requesting that your child is allowed to leave the school premises.
You will be required to sign your child out at the office before leaving.
Upon returning, you must report to the school office for your child to be signed back in.
Holiday requests
Other absences such as annual family holidays taken during term time are strongly discouraged due to their impact on your child’s progress and achievements. Following Government legislation, schools are no longer allowed to authorise family holidays during term time unless it is due to exceptional circumstances.