From the start of year 5, language learning at Cranborne Middle School is an important tool helping children to recognise the opportunities that another language provides.
Starting with basic words and phrases, pupils build their skills and develop to include sophisticated phrases and sentences. The careful, cyclical nature of the curriculum means that pupils return regularly to topics, reinforcing and building on their prior learning, adding new skills and grammatical structures to what they have already learnt. Pupils are encouraged to practice regularly, speaking in French to use vocabulary and structures they have already learnt and to reuse previously learnt vocabulary and structures in new ways. Paired talk and mini-roleplay allows pupils to practice their pronunciation in a low-stakes manner, sharing with the class once they are confident. The French curriculum combines steady small steps of grammar alongside new vocabulary, enabling pupils to use what they have learnt to talk and write in the second and third person, and past and future tense.
many links are made between other curriculum subjects and French where possible, empowering pupils to transfer their skills and see their learning as an inter-linked whole. English learning on grammar, comprehension, spelling and composition is reinforced through their guided and independent work in French.
Language learning is not limited to building vocabulary and grammar; many opportunities are available throughout the French curriculum for pupils to explore and develop their understanding of the varied cultural differences across France and other French-speaking countries around the world. Pupils learn what it is like to live and go to school as a French-speaking child.
many links are made between other curriculum subjects and French where possible, empowering pupils to transfer their skills and see their learning as an inter-linked whole. English learning on grammar, comprehension, spelling and composition is reinforced through their guided and independent work in French.
Language learning is not limited to building vocabulary and grammar; many opportunities are available throughout the French curriculum for pupils to explore and develop their understanding of the varied cultural differences across France and other French-speaking countries around the world. Pupils learn what it is like to live and go to school as a French-speaking child.
To see the French Curriculum Overview, Click Here.
French Leaders
The French Leaders’ programme at Cranborne allows an exciting enrichment opportunity for a selected group of pupils looking to take their French learning above and beyond. Pupils apply to become French leaders and each year twelve year eight pupils are chosen for the role who show motivation and enthusiasm for their language learning. French leaders have the opportunity to help out with language-related events at Cranborne, for example by leading sessions for the younger children, running vocabulary-booster clubs at lunchtime and leading a 'fun singing in French' club. They also lead French sessions in local primary schools to foster an enthusiasm for French with the younger pupils soon to be moving up to Cranborne and have the opportunity to suggest and develop other ideas, linked to their own areas of enthusiasm.
Useful Links
![]() The BBC Bitsize French pages have a wealth of resources to learn more about French customs, culture and literature.
Dictionaries & Translation: - dictionary online - Instant language-translator. Vocabulary & Grammar Practice: - Different topics and grammar, games and activities. Tons of brilliant stuff! - lots of great practice games /activities. Just type in the required topic and press ‘submit’. - BBC Bitesize for Yr5&6 - BBC Bitesize for Yr7&8 - BBC Bitesize for GCSE. Still lots of really useful content for Yr7&8, the first pages are simpler in each section and build up as you scroll on through. Lots of videos, quizzes and information. - Great YouTube channel with lots of subtitled video interviews on easy vocab topics, e.g. clothing, feelings, family. - Divided into year groups and topics, very useful. (Between 9am and 4pm on weekdays you need to register, but it is free outside those times). French Magazines Online: - French website for young French speakers. (mini dossiers/activities). - Magazine for 10 – 15 year old website (go to ‘feuilleter Okapi’ to access magazine). - Teens’ magazine website - Magazine for 7-13 year-old website (click ‘le magazine’ then ‘feuilletez le mag’). French TV & Radio Stations Online: - Radio & News (click at top on JT (Journal Télévisé) and select (France 2). – French TV on catch-up. – French songs with lyrics on yourtube, to practice spotting vocabulary that you know! |
![]() Many more links to French resources can be found here.