Accidents and Illness
Accidents do occur on school premises from time to time and sometimes they are serious enough to require the advice and assistance of parents, doctors or dentists. Details of important information are kept on each child, including emergency contact telephone numbers for parents. It is essential that you complete and return the forms accompanying the Parent Information Pack and that the school is informed of any change in these details.
If any changes need to be made during term time, please contact the office or use the forms below.
If any changes need to be made during term time, please contact the office or use the forms below.
In all cases of emergency, the school will do its best to get in touch with the parents concerned, but if this is not possible we will act on the advice of the medical officer consulted.
If your child is not well enough to be in school, please do not send him/her. If a child arrives unwell, it is not fair to teachers, other children and the child, who would be more comfortable at home.
If your child is not well enough to be in school, please do not send him/her. If a child arrives unwell, it is not fair to teachers, other children and the child, who would be more comfortable at home.