We live in a world full of wonder: complex and, at times, hard to understand.People are changing. The environment is changing. The world is changing.
Geograpy is here to help us understand how and why change happens. More importantly, it helps us question what we need to do about it. From natural disasters in Pacific Islands, to housing shortages in East Dorset, the study of geography encompasses many natural and man-made processes that affect our day to day life.
Have you ever wondered what makes something a wonder of the World? Or why people chose to settle in Cranborne? Or what fossils will be left behind by our generation? Geography looks to explore these questions and many others in exciting practical ways.
Geography at Cranborne is designed to give children the opportunity to explore the world around them, both at a local level and even looking as far abroad as China in year 8. Children are given many practical opportunities to test the skills and knowledge and the opportunity to research topics in depth using as range of resources.
In KS2, children look at a range of topics including rivers, mountains and weather. KS3 starts with an adventure, as children learn the skills and location knowledge to understand the world and the country around them and finishes by showing them how to be flood ready: an actual threat to our daily life here in the UK.

Geography curriculm overview.pdf |