24/2/2017 Time Capsule 2017 LaunchBuddy Time today saw the launch of the year 5 & 8 time capsule project. Each member of year 5 will create a time capsule which they will then get to open again when they are in year 8. Today was the chance for our year 8s to open the time capsule they created when they were in year 5. Things in their time capsules included photos from when they were in year 5, hand prints and shoe sizes at the time, letters from their buddies and notes to themselves from three and a half years ago. It was lovely to see how much the year 8s have grown within three three and a half years since they closed up their time capsules and to think about how much our current year 5s will as well! 24/2/2017 Team BuildingOne of our year 5 tutor groups has had a focus on team building in PE this week. Unfortunately, a few members of the class were not able to take part in the physical activity today and so instead became a fantastic reporting team for the lesson. They have put together the following report and photographs. We are learning about teamwork this lesson and to help that we have been split into two different teams, boys vs girls to complete some different challenges. The aim of the lesson is for everyone to work better in their team and bond together even more than we already have since the start of the year. Some of the challenges the class has faced this lesson are: moving into height order on the bench without falling off, going from the darkest to the lightest hair colour and getting into shoe size order. The teams also had to make their way from one side of the gym to the other with only two mats! If anyone fell off a mat and touched the floor their team had to wait 5 seconds before they could move again. The overall effect of the lesson has worked! Each team is acting competitively, but working together to achieve each task as quickly as they can to earn points for their team. By Amy, Holly and Daisy 20/2/2017 Ordering and Comparing FractionsIn Maths today we have been learning to compare and order fractions by converting them to have the same Denominator. This then allowed us to see which one would be bigger.
Rowan wrote a very tricky problem for us to have a go at, can you solve it and leave your answer as a comment? Bob cut a cake into 12 slices. He then took 5 pieces. Rhianna took the remaining pieces and cut them into the smallest even number possible. The then took 9 pieces. Who ate the most cake? Good luck! There was only one way to start the weekend and that was the year 5 & 6 disco! Pupils were practically banging down the front door in anticipation of spending a fun filled evening with their friends. Limbo, sweets and dancing were all part of the enjoyable evening. Now to rest up those tired dancing feet ready to spring back into action for our final week of this spring half term.
Year 5 are into their second lesson of practical making in Product Design this week and have already made excellent progress. Here are some photos of the skills they are learning and developing so far: cutting with a range of hand saws, sanding and measuring their key hook positions accurately, in millimetres.
Their awareness of health and safety rules and their ability to tidy away independently is impressive. 4 minutes from start to finish today. I am sure they keep their bedrooms just as tidy! Well done-Mrs Everett 1/2/2017 London Trip 2017During Tutor Time, we had our second assembly about the London residential trip in June. Unfortunately, there wasn't chance to answer everyone's questions about the upcoming trip but don't worry there will be further assemblies to follow! A ParentMail has been sent out today in regards to the trip (please check your spam/junk folders as well), which contains the letters attached below. Please can these be filled in and returned by Friday 24th February. Year 5s if you have a question about the trip and didn't get chance to ask it in assembly then you can leave it as a comment below.